Monday, May 4, 2015

Getting in Shape for Gardening Season

One of my goals at the beginning of the year was to get in shape for gardening season. Around my house, gardening is like a full contact sport nearly 7 months of the year. The past two years I was not able to garden because of injury - so this year the to-do list seems extra long. Here is the link to my garden blog.

It started in earnest this past weekend with the delivery of our first truckload of wood chips. Need a good workout - I highly recommend shoveling and spreading these

Gardening is Exercise! Spring 2015
babies around the yard as an excellent cardio and upper body routine :)

Other than that, this past week I was - once again inert. I stuck to my meal plan and worked out with my trainer only once and went boxing once. I think there was a long walk in there somewhere.  I didn't get to the club to weigh in either. So I'm giving myself a zero loss this week. 

Ok dashing off to work. Standing desks are being installed at the office! Can't wait to sign up to use those. 

Teresa Marie

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